Posted in laptop radiation protection

Protect yourself from harmful radiation

Over the past few years, the studies performed by researchers have shown that using laptops on your lap can adversely affect men’s reproductive system. Moreover, continuous use of laptops on your lap can lead to bad posture. The heat and electromagnetic radiation exposure for prolonged period of time can lead to dizziness, fatigue, headaches, breathlessness, insomnia and various cancers.

What is Electrosmog?

Electrosmog is the invisible electromagnetic radiation resulting from the use of both wireless technology and mains electricity. The most common sources of wireless electrosmog are:

  • Cordless phones
  • Cordless baby alarms
  • Mobile/cellular phone masts/towers/transmitters
  • Mobile/cellular phones
  • Wireless networks

Electrosmog is also responsible for a condition known as electro sensitivity or electro hypersensitivity. Symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Disruptive sleep patterns
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Depression
  • Hypersensitivity and erratic blood pressure
  • Skin complaints
  • Behavioral patterns in children

Health hazards of laptop radiation-

  • It can burn your skin
  • It can actually damage your DNA
  • It causes headaches, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  • It can lead to the risk of fetus development in pregnant women
  • Increased stress level and risk to heart
  • Glioma, brain tumor and cancer in extreme cases.

Laptop radiation protection

Taking into concern the various health hazards, there are many companies which are producing the shield for Laptop radiation protection. Using a proper and high quality laptop shield can reduce the chances of your health risks as it acts as an effective barrier between you and laptop radiation. There are many companies specializing in anti-radiation devices and radiation management solutions which produces chips for laptop radiation protection, thus protecting the human beings from harmful Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)


Posted in laptop radiation protection

The Destructive Effects of Laptop Radiation


Each electronic gadget that you utilize every day emanates radio waves and opens you to a magnetic field. What’s more, the laptop that you utilize is no exception to this. Laptop radiation is exceptionally hazardous and the threats might be substantially more than you understand.

In spite of the way that by far most don’t comprehend it, utilizing laptop on your knees for a truly long time can have various dangerous results for your health, hurting your skin being the most generally remembered one. Moreover, this is the reason laptop radiation protection is essential.

Here are a few of the harms that laptop radiation can bring about and experiencing these focuses will help you comprehend the harmful impacts better.

  • It can hurt your platelets and harm DNA
  • It can harm nerve-cell
  • It can trigger Alzheimer’s ailment
  • Can conceivably cause a mental imbalance and damage your eyes
  • It can achieve headaches, rest intrusions and weariness
  • Contributes to salivary organ tumours and can impact your heartbeat and heart rate
  • It can achieve lessened bone thickness in the pelvic region

Beside those predefined above, there are dangers of lessened sperm number, crabbiness, sadness and various distinctive issues. Accordingly, to help you shield yourself from such issues and guarantee laptop radiation protection, you can utilize shield and furthermore restrict the utilization of your laptop.

Search for a notable organization that offers brilliant laptop shield that can lessen the harmful radiation and will help you remain sheltered and secured.

Posted in laptop radiation protection

Importance of Laptop Radiation Protection

Each electronic gadget that you utilize day by day emanates radio waves and opens you to an attractive field. What’s more, the tablet that you utilize is no exclusion to this. Laptop radiation is exceptionally risky and the threats might be considerably more than you understand.

Regardless of the way that by far most don’t comprehend it, utilizing laptop on your knees for a truly long time can have various perilous outcomes for your prosperity, hurting your skin being the most generally remembered one. Moreover, this is the reason laptop radiation protection is crucial.

Here are a couple of the harms that laptop radiation can bring about and experiencing these focuses will help you comprehend the hurtful impacts of laptop radiation better.

  • It can harm your DNA and hurt your platelets
  • It can also harm the nerve-cell
  • Laptop radiation presentation can trigger Alzheimer’s affliction
  • Can conceivably cause a mental imbalance and damage your eyes
  • It can realize headaches, rest interferences and weariness
  • Contributes to salivary organ tumours and can impact your heartbeat and heart rate
  • It can realize reduced bone thickness in the pelvic region

Beside those predetermined above, there are dangers of lessened sperm check, depression, irritability and various distinctive issues. In this manner, to help you shield yourself from such issues and guarantee laptop radiation protection, you can utilize laptop radiation protection chip and furthermore confine the utilization of your portable workstation.

Search for an outstanding organization that offers great tablet shield or chip that can diminish the unsafe radiation and will help you remain sheltered and secured.