Posted in mobile radiation chip

How Convenience Cost on your Health?

The 21st century has brought us the convenience age; our lifestyle has been transformed to wireless way and we could recall the blur memories of the time when we use to do many of the day to day things manually. Electronics and digitization have taken the lead in our lifestyle, making us reliable more on gadgets and devices that ease our regular work.

On the contrary, to the ease and convenience brought by this electronic and wireless century, our lives are now more fragile and we are more exposed to the hazardous effects. Here, we are talking about the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emission from most of the devices and gadgets we use in our regular life.

One of the regularly used gadgets are mobile phones or smart phones, more than the device of communication, it has taken the roles of saving data, searching information, entertainment and lot more that we can’t count on fingers. We put our phones in our pockets nearest to our body and also below our pillows while sleeping.

Maintain Distance with Mobile Phones

Mobile phones that we use do emit electromagnetic radiations, and we need to know when these radiations are emitted maximum. Let us find out why should you maintain distance or use less the mobile phones:

  • Increased Blood Pressure
  • Fatigue and Stress
  • Memory Impairment
  • Brain Tumour
  • Cancer

The health risks associated with EMR emitted from mobile phones are lethal and it is vital to take get mobile phone radiation protection measures:

  • Reduce Conversations over Phone

Radiations emit more when you are on the call, so reducing the phone conversations would help.

  • Keep your Phone at Distance from your body

Do not keep phone in pocket or under the pillow, rather, keep them in the bag and on the bedside table.

  • Anti-Radiation Chips

Anti-mobile phone radiation chip is best to use in your cell phones to stay protected against the hazards of EMR.

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